Thursday, March 8, 2012


SVM2 T & L Prayer

God is our Healer—Jehovah Rapha!
Ps. 103:2-5 “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget none of His benefits: Who pardons all your iniquities; Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
Mt. 10:8 “Heal [the] sick, raise [the] dead, cleanse [the] lepers, cast out demons, freely you received, freely give.”
Father, today we’re asking for Your healing touch on our own bodies, as well as on the others we know of who are experiencing illness: Keith & Helen Jean, Eloise, Cecil and his wife, Brian, Jennylynn, and others who are struggling. You are the Great Physician. I ask Your healing touch today and bind fear and spirits of infirmity in Jesus’ Name. I recognize the authority of Your shed blood over all these right now and establish that as a banner over their lives. I loose Your peace that surpasses our understanding and which keeps our hearts and minds quiet and at rest in You. Let Your will be done and Your kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit come now in these situations. Send Your Holy Spirit to work in their lives and the lives of their families and extended families, bringing a greater witness of the reality of Jesus to those who are saved and those who are lost. Redeem these circumstances for Your glory O Lord! Because You alone are worthy!

Satan demands to sift us but Jesus, thank You that You pray for us that our faith would not fail. We lean hard on You, Oh God, that You strengthen us in times of trial. Strengthen our confidence in You that You are working all these things together for good, for us who love you and are called according to Your purposes. You bring good out of even the things satan intends for evil!

Thank You, Father, Our Jehovah Jireh, that You are also our Provider! So many are struggling now with financial provision. Yet we look to You--We’ll not be overwhelmed! Give us vision, to do things like You do! To lean on You with confidence, looking to You the author and finisher of our faith—You are the one who has walked the trail before us successfully. We ask You Holy Spirit to fill us and empower us even as you did Jesus so that we may also finish the race with grace and endurance.

Thank You for Your good gifts daily, life and breath and all good things richly to enjoy! You are in control. We thank you for our spouses, children, and grandchildren, for the sisters and brothers in the Body of Christ today. Thank you and draw each of us closer to You. Remove apathy and weariness. Re-envigorate us that we may run in the path of Your commands.

I lift up to you Joy and Jeremy and ask for Your solution to the bed bug infestation they are struggling with. Father, make a way even where there may seem to be  no way for Your glory and a testimony of Your love for them.

Remove stones from the pathway, clear the way forward in Your purposes, we speak to every mountain of hindrance, be removed now in Jesus’ Name! Let every low place of discouragement and despair be raised up and that Highway of Holiness stretch out straight ahead of us today. Make firm pathways for our feet. Let us lift up the hands that hang down and strengthen feeble knees so that we may run with endurance the race You’re setting before us today.

Catch the little foxes, the foxes that spoil the vineyards that are in bloom—remove every little attack of the enemy, every place where we ourselves are our worst enemies, that the fruit will come in due season. Father remove everything that comes to kill, steal, and destroy—time, energy, relationships, finances, provision, faith, and so on. You are our Source and Supply and we look to You, Oh God!

Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ… Let us yield our rights to ourselves unto You, Oh Father. Let us die to the old and receive new life from You. Let us walk by the Spirit and not fulfill the desires of our flesh. Make us fit for all You require of us today. Cause us to be athletic in spirit by Your power. We recognize we cannot do this apart from You.

Thank you for the 10 SVM2 interns who are committed to coming! We lift them up today and trust You that You are at work in their lives, to guide them, to provide for them, to bring them safely in due time to the venue. Open every door in the right direction. Provide intercessors who stand with them in this process. Pour our finances and every provision, visas, etc. We bind the enemy from stealing their energy as they join You in working to see this accomplished.

We believe You for 4 more and call them forth right now in Jesus’ Name. We believe You for the full quota of students interns for these 12 weeks of seeking you, of learning to walk in abandoned devotion to You, of seeing how You have moved in mission movements and believing You for 100,000 new laborers among the least-reached peoples of earth with little access to the gospel. Today, Father, thrust forth more than enough laborers!

We pray for Kohistan, Pakistan, for the many peoples of this nation and its neighbor Afghanistan. We ask for a powerful move of Your Holy Spirit among their peoples even today! Thank You for those who are laboring to be Your witnesses here. Open doors that no man can shut and shut doors against the enemy that no one can open. Open hearts to be hungry and thirst for righteousness. We even call for those who are disillusioned with Al Qaeda and the Taliban to find their fulfillment in You, to know you and to believe You, to glorify You and to find their satisfaction in You. To know the Truth and be set fully free. To enjoy You forever. Guide them to believers who can disciple them and thank You for the Holy Spirit who leads the into all Truth. Let Your Word come in their own language quickly so that it can be a light to their pathway.
We lift up the peoples of the Northern Caucasus as well—Father especially we cry out for 32 churches and/or networks of churches to take into their hearts the 32 groups desperately needing to know You. Father let them be faithful to pray and to seek You for what they can do to join hands with You and others to see movements to Christ among all these peoples.

I pray today as well for the Muslims of Europe, and for all the peoples of Eastern Europe and Eurasia who are still far from Jesus. Let Your light shine brightly among all these peoples. Thrust forth more than enough laborers. Let them incarnate Your message and be Your hands and feet of the gospel to every corner.
We especially lift up House of Life and their networks of fellowships, their laborers, and leaders. Father, move in power upon their believers to grow up in You, to glorify You in all things, to find their guidance continually from You and to receive from You all they need. We pray for a student missions movement to spring forth throughout the former Soviet Union. Move by Your Spirit to do great things! Raise up intercessors who cry out without stopping for a powerful move among these peoples. Let Your Church arise and let Your kingdom come and Your glory be revealed.

I ask today for divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God-ordained encounters and strategic ministry positions as we go about our work and throughout our day. Let us be alert to the opportunities You give, walking in a conversational relationship with You. Glorify Yourself in us as we seek to obey Your voice.

We lift up Ethne2012 and the preparations and planning, for the steering committee and prayer workgroup. Father, raise up enough intercessors and worshipers so that we can have a fully functioning 24/7 prayer room throughout the time of the meetings. Father, let all of us experience Your manifest presence in a way we have not previously. Let leaders from all nations come into a greater revelation of the intimate connection possible with You through worship and prayer. Release Your power to BE Your witnesses among all those participating. We know it is not by might nor by power but by Your Spirit so we ask that You guide us as we lean on You.

We lift up MUP and their leaders, and pray for the upcoming GSG in Singapore. Father, by Your Spirit, bring direction, clarity, anointing, let Your Spirit have free reign to do as  You need to do in our midst as we gather. Speak clearly and show us the way forward in Your purposes.

We pray for the IPA meetings this week—let a greater revelation of Your intentions for the Body of Christ be released and revealed. Guide the proceedings and show us Your will and direction. Move through leaders who are facilitating and even reveal new things to them as they lead. Guide in the transition of leadership. Bless efforts to seek and obey You and strengthen our determination to lean on You.

We pray for the upcoming MANI leadership prayer retreat and those who will be participating. Thank You that You are at work even now to prepare our hearts. Father, move in power by Your Spirit as the leaders gather. Show us what we need to know and hear from You. Let us determine to walk by the Spirit, to submit to one another in love, to seek to see Your kingdom coming throughout Africa and beyond, for Your glory.

We ask for traveling mercies and grace, provision and protection for all those who are going about Your business. Father, empower us to sense when we must go and when we must not go. Help us to rest in You when it’s time to wait and watch. Help us be alert and ready.

God spoke to us again about “alignment” today—this section came from a recent newsletter from International Prayer Council. We pray for proper alignment now, Father, in us, in Your Body, as we seek to do Your will and accomplish Your purposes.
PROPER ALIGNMENT, by Doug Stringer, excerpt from Intl Prayer Connections, March 2012

As I was seeking the Lord at the close of 2006 and trying to get a sense for the coming year, I kept hearing that same word over and over again: Alignment, alignment, alignment. I believe three areas of alignment are of utmost importance in our lives: Kingdom Alignment, Personal Alignment, and Body Alignment. The first, Kingdom Alignment, is about proper alignment to the Kingdom of God and its principles. God's kingdom should be our first priority. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." (NKJ) The Most important thing is not the building of our own kingdoms but the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. As I always say, "While men reached for thrones to build their own kingdoms, Jesus reached for a towel to wash men's feet." It's not about our own agendas but about proper alignment to God's kingdom. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He taught them to focus on the Kingdom. "Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10, NKJ). Proper kingdom alignment is essential for effective prayer.

Personal Alignment is getting in right order with the Father, connecting spirit to spirit with our Creator. Our hearts must be right before Him. David prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10, NKJ). When our hearts are rightly aligned to God, we will begin to have spiritual authority in our prayers. We will be able to pray effectively and see God move on our behalf. Sin in our lives will keep our prayers from being effective. Isaiah 59:2 says, "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not hear." (NKJ) That feeling of hitting a brick wall with our prayers often occurs because we need to do business with God and get our hearts in a right position before Him, confessing our sins and experiencing His forgiveness.

Finally, proper Body Alignment is essential. Ephesians 4:16 tells us that when each part of the body is rightly fit together, the whole body functions better. The King James Version calls it "the effectual working" of each part. Each of us has a function and a gifting within the Body of Christ. When we are in proper alignment within the Body, everything works as it should. I have seen this lesson in action when I go to visit the chiropractor. At times I have problems with my knee. My knee problems cause my hip to get out of place, and pretty soon I feel chronic pain in my back. At that point, I need to go in for an alignment! When I get my spine back in alignment, it causes everything else to feel liberated. The same is true in the Body of Christ. When one part is out of alignment, the whole Body is affected. It takes the whole Body being rightly fit together for the effectual working of each part. When we are functioning in unity, we see great breakthrough for the Kingdom of God!

Gen. 26:1-6 Speak of when Isaac settles in Gerar…God’s instructions were not to go back to Egypt. Father, keep us from seeking to go back where we came from, where we tried to lean on the world’s answers, keep us steadily facing You and following where You lead, trusting even in difficult circumstances! You’ve given us a “land” and promises as well. Help us trust You for Your provision there. Keep us resting in You! We’re looking for the city with foundations whose builder and maker is God—You yourself!

Breaking generational sins—pornography, sexual immorality, gambling, alcoholism, addictions, smoking, division between siblings, Father any baggage we bring forward from previous ancestors, we ask You to break off in Jesus’ Name and set us and the future generations free. As we listen and obey You, we trust You to lead us to freedom, to throw off these things!

Ps. 107:17-20

We also pray for the Invisible Children, for Central Asian peoples and peoples of the Northern Caucasus. Father break off guilt, bitterness, anxiety—set us free to be useable in Your hands. To be pliable and soft, for us to flow with Your Spirit!

John 5:25

We pray for the turmoil in Mexico and Father ask Your Holy Spirit to guide wisely the leaders to know how to govern with righteousness and justice.

20 month prayer campaign for Tibet, Hindu-Kush, and up through Afghanistan!

And 55 weeks of prayer for Africa—Father guide and empower as we seek You for Africa and her peoples! We pray for the preparations for the Pan African Summit! Father, empower us to lean on You and seek Your wisdom and guidance!


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