Monday, February 27, 2012


Prepare our hearts, soften them, young believers in Malaysia and Singapore strengthened…
Asking for strengthening in the inner man. Armor of God fitted in place Weapons of our warfare, mighty in God to tearing down strongholds, and every thought that exalts itself against the glory of God.

Young people in Southeast Asia & globally to be fitted for the battle, fortified in the inner man, seated with Christ in heavenly places. All families gathered, women & children together to hear the Word of the Lord.
You set before us life, help us choose life. Everyone to hear the gospel. Children to have the Word in them. Even from earliest times. Word to dwell richly in us. Filled with all the fullness of God. Strengthened with all might in the Lord. Comprehend what is the length and breadth and depth and width of his love for us. Each piece for young believers.

Singapore and Malaysia meeting these conditions. Hearts wide open, full surrender. Able to comprehend with all the saints the mystery of Your ways. Grab in a whole new level. Filled with all the fullness of God.
1000’s of new Message Bearer’s to the nations. 100,000 we’re seeking through SVM2. A new breed, a new generation, prepared, filled with all the fullness of God. Root---to be filled with all God’s fullness. Teach us Your ways, Oh God! Help us walk in Your paths.

Discipling raise up the new breed of Message Bearer. Generation of “One Thing”—those who say, “the Lord is my light and my salvation, who shall I fear?” They dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of their lives…Who shall they fear!

All their days let them seek You—all our days let us seek You Oh God! One thing we have desired, that we will seek. That we may dwell in Your presence, Oh God! Raise a movement of students.

You are so beautiful, Oh Lord! You are wonderful, excellent! Consume Singaporean and Malaysian young people, the Church, with a fascination with beholding You, Oh God! Your heart breaks for those who are in sin. Reveal to them the expansiveness of Your love. Whosoever will…whosoever will may come to You.
Go deep in the Word, dwell richly in Young People. Move of Your Spirit to teach boldly, teach to obey. Draw us into the Word—draw them into the Word. Here on average believers read a verse a week at present—Oh God, let Your Word dwell in us, in them richly!! Let it come alive. Let the rhema quickening come. Let it be made flesh in them—let them walk in Your ways.

Eruption of recognizing the critical importance to being in the Word. Study, meditation, prayer. Back to Jesus movement—dwell in the Word, beauties of Christ. Teachers that teach the Word, that equip to read and study the word. That teach to understand and apply the Word of God. Make it alive. Rhema quickened Word.

You Yourself, discipling young people Oh Father! Let all them be taught of You and great shall be their peace! Mentors, human disciplers, empower and equip them more perfectly. Preserving Your little ones to grow strong in You and in your Word.

Afghanistan, we cry out to You for Afghanistan and its peoples, Oh God! Move in power across Afghanistan. In the crosshairs and at the crossroads!! You and the enemy have them in your crosshairs—Father turn what the enemy intended for evil to good. Break every chain. The blood of Jesus Christ is sufficient sacrifice—break every chain. Message Bearers, today raise up message bearers prepared to have divine contacts, divine open doors of opportunity, strategic ministry positions, let those Taliban struggling with disillusionment hear the Word of the Lord—dreams, visions, Message Bearers to speak the Word boldly with love.

Your Word runs swiftly. Prepare the harvest! Release life into dead hearts. Open ears to hear and eyes to see the Truth. Water and prepare the ground of hearts. Taliban hardliners to come to Christ. Person of peace preach—proclaim, disillusionment to lead them to Jesus Christ. Break prejudices, break fears, release forgiveness and heal offenses. Give the courage of Annanais to take the gospel to Paul’s and open blind eyes to the Truth. Let Your Word go forth today!

Distinctive in heats of devout Muslims—see the Truth!! Create a distinction, they would know the Holy Spirit, separate falsehood from truth. Holy Spirit come with power.

“Locked” over AFghnanistan—yet You hold the keys of David which open the door that no man can shut and shut the door that no man can open!! Come now, Jesus, and open the door for the gospel across Pakistan, Afghanistan, and close the door to the enemy!! Come with Power.

Flood by your Spirit into the Taliban held areas, among the peoples to set them free. Whom the Son has set free is free indeed. Lift up Your heads oh you gates of Afghanistan, Pakistan, that the King of glory may enter! The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle is His Name. He is the Sovereign of the Universe, He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Turn now the captivity of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Let NOW TODAY be the day of salvation!

Hinge point TODAY! WE cry out to You for the turning! Josephs, Nehemiahs, Daniels, Esthers, Deborahs, come forth! Rise up in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We call them forth!! Arise, arise, arise!

Mountains—where our help comes from—scales off their eyes. That’s where their hope comes from…the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Let them lift their eyes up to You alone, Father. You are their help and their shield.

Let laborers come truly loving You, not loving their lives to the death. Make them free oh God! Remove the claws of the devil. Leadership and leaders to shift…using people is destructive. Set them free to serve.
North Korea, Syria, Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore…Message bearers rise up. Take your places. Break the chains, set them free, loose them.

Crying out against depression, let the Light of Christ shine forth—break off depression….lift that oppression release the joy of the Lord! Their gladness, joy is the Lord, Joy is their strength.

False measuring sticks fall off. Look at obedience & faithfulness as the true measure. Let them grow up into the full measure of the stature of Jesus. FREE Obedience is better than sacrifice. Release believers from social pressure. Set them free to follow You.

You are boundless, limitless, confidence in You Oh God! Do not forsake assembling of saints, edify, build up, one others, practicing the one anothers with believers. Intimacy, service, love and faithfulness. Realize the detriment of competition. Meet, come together, unify in Christ. Not uniformity but unity in diversity. Forgiveness, healing, boldness.

Come in the opposite spirit. Freedom is in You—set free from offense, release, forgiveness. Fresh flowing and blowing of Your Spirit. City of Refuge—Chiang Mai. Call forth Your divine purposes over the city. Bring forth Your best, Your highest for Chiang Mai and for Thailand. Harvest be called forth—100,000 Thai’s to come to know Jesus and be alive in Him.

A little child shall lead them…100,000’s to come boldly transfer of loyalty—to the King of kings. Amen!!


Praying today for the Church in Chiang Mai.
From Phil. 1:9:
·             * that your love may abound more and more
·             *  In knowledge & depth of insight
·            *   Discern what is best
·              * Pure and blameless
·            *  Filled with all the fruit of righteousness
·            *  Glorify God

Praying for churches, ministries, orphanages, for pastors and leaders, that the love of Jesus would be all-consuming. Praying for Thai, Karen, and expatriate churches to grow and grow in depth of understanding, in obedience to the Word and His Spirit’s leading. Let the mystery of Your love overflow, truly understanding the depth of Your love for them.

Praying for 3 who gave their lives to Jesus Sunday at City Gate Church—let the light of Christ shine on them, let them grow up into the full measure of the stature of Jesus, enlighten the eyes of their hearts.

Across the city, let love abound. Take us deeper in You, passionate, intense love for Jesus in the depths of our being, love for the lost, conviction of sin, compassion, Your heart. Let love arise in believers, love that suffers long and is kind, 1 Cor. 13 kind of love, agape, thinks no evil, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things, believes all things. Passion and desire to seek after this kind of love, not selfish or rude. Deepen Thai believers to think outside themselves, to look up, to come up higher in Him.

Hebrews 10 “let us”…
·            *  Have confidence to enter the Holy Place
·             * Through our Great High Priest Jesus
·             *  Draw near to God
·           *    Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess
·              * Consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds
·            *   Not give up meeting together
·            *   Throw off everything that hinders
·            *   Fix our eyes on Jesus

Acts Church, City Gate Church, Chiang Mai Christian Fellowship, House of Praise, and all others
Give us and them diligence, wake them up, make them fully alive and active in You. Break off apathy and laziness, spirit of sleep, let all of us run with endurance the race set before us with determination, perseverance. Let us recognize it is a time of harvest!

Praying for all the prayer efforts and prayer leaders for the prayer houses springing up across the city and the nation: Marlene, Joy, Oy, Norbert, Amie, Anna, Helen, Craig, Nick, and all those laboring to pray and to raise up prayer for the region inside and outside here. Father fan the flames of intercession and spiritual warfare. Let us stand with You alongside You to intercede for Your children, for Your Bride, Your Church.

City of Refuge—calling it into existence. Let it be a Revival Hub for all Asia, even for the world. A place of rest and refreshing in the Lord. Picture—pour it out across the continent. Divine impact—You want to use this city, powerfully. Let Your Presence rest here in ever-increasing measure. Release Your presence into the vacuum, flood in by Your Presence. You can do this kind of work in this city. Come and do this, this is Your will, Your desire…

Local churches enter in, align themselves, bring to birth the New Thing You desire to do, You are brooding over it by Your Spirit. Hover, Holy Spirit, bring forth the New Thing You desire.

Drink deep of Your powerful presence we have now—Ask—Lord Jesus COME! Holy Spirit, COME! Anoint ministries. Called here to bless somewhere else—strategic to see God’s purposes being worked out.
Body fragment but unite us together in You, One Lord One Faith, One Baptism. Neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female but all One in You.

Empower us to cultivate our times in the prayer closet, in the secret place more and more. In a greater way, we call it forth. More prayer, more interconnectivity, greater measure of committed devoted prayer. 

Perspective to so shift that we are moving deeper into the River of Your Presence. Perspective to so shift…we can see Your hands moving. Unless the heart is right the outward does nothing. Ignite our hearts with a fresh vision for prayer. Let the city see something different. Raise it up across the board. Spirit of prayer for Chiang Mai.

Vision of a palm oil tree, dripping with the precious oil, useful in so many ways, oil of the Spirit pour forth, fruit nourishing us, leaning out over the waters, dropping precious seeds carried to the four corners of the earth. Spirit, pour forth Your oil, endow us with Your gifts and empower us with Your enabling strength. Thank you, Father that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Pour forth Joy!!

Pastors Gampon and Marion, Kroensak and other pastors and leaders, pure hearts, burning desire for more of You, nothing more contagious than Your Spirit, who You are, glory and majesty. Riches of the kingdom, become full visions of what You can do, what you desire to do. Let them look and behold You.

Buddhist mindsets be gone—no more known as a city of Buddhist meditation, but a city of prayer to the Living God. Doi Suthep—becoming a house of prayer for all nations. Founded on blood but the blood of the Lamb cleansing and washing clean. This is to be a city of prayer, intercession, be renewed, to give weekends and weeks going deep with You—power of the Evil One to be broken. Broken by the power of Jesus’ Name. New freedom, new light, new love of God poured out!

Calling us—workers to come from across SE Asia, to be renewed and revived. Gifts of the Spirit released. Pray more against satan’s schemes against the pastors. They would be aware – open their eyes so they are not unaware of his schemes. We do not focus on him but we are aware of his schemes. Father, even the hidden schemes of the enemy, You know—break them apart, bring confusion in the enemy’s camp, bind away the evil plans of darkness. We worship You who are Light, Love, Life. Dwell in Your Presence, Father. Worship we call forth worship! Father, help us recognize the schemes of the enemy and not cooperate with him. Father help us not to join forces with the accuser of the brethren but speak pure words, refined in the furnace of the earth seven times, holy words, words of encouragement and praise only.

Deposit within us the understanding how to battle. Desperate days require desperate means. Seriousness about our call and our work. We bind the enemy’s schemes, and pray for unmasking of his works, light to shine in dark places. Reveal hidden things that can be cleansed and removed. We pray against fear and all the works of fear, except the clean pure fear of God. Greater measure of that discernment.

Song of Solomon 2:10-1510“My beloved responded and said to me, ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along. 11‘For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. 12‘The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. 13‘The fig tree has ripened its figs, And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along!’” 14“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret place of the steep pathway, Let me see your form, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your form is lovely.” 15“Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.”

Let fear fall by the wayside. Fig tree forms its early fruit—time of the fruiting of labors long past, the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Let us be fully One with Your purposes.

Not Laodicean church, but fully on fire, passionate, radiant with Your presence and fire upon us. Not judgmental but invitation to go deeper, grow in passion, return to first love. Let’s go hard after You, red hot in devotion for Jesus, abandoned devotion to You, clearly different as a believer, passionate, intense, fervent, wholehearted desire and delight. Tendency to be so casual, but empower enable anoint us to be wholehearted.

Luke 9 Count the cost, costliness of the sacrifice. Extravagant cost, sufferings, they went through yet they held on to You. Living sacrifices Romans 8:1-3

In Your perfect will as You see fit, let us see Your hand in the difficulties, embrace the cross, let those trials be turned to gold. Allow You to form me, release Your power upon me.

1 Kings 7:10-11 Solomon’s buildings foundations built of costly stones, construction of the temple, costly stones, costly foundations.

Give grace, have a different perspective on the hardships. What are you trying to build in us? Lifestyle of prayer and worship, part of costly foundation. Embrace the costliness. Give grace, power and willingness to become part of fruitfulness for all challenges & good things, spirit of love and gratitude. Fill us with Your love, Jesus! Amen!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Touch our mouths with a coal from the altar. We cry out in repentance. Cleanse us of all the evil unrighteousness. Forgive us for enslaving other human beings. Forgive us for the filth being spewed from Hollywood and the pornography that gets slung all over the world!

Thailand, forgive this nation for sex trafficking, for human trafficking. Forgive us on behalf of this nation for the wrongs we’ve done as a people! Send revival, send revival!

Jer. 33:2-3 Call to me and I will answer…

We cry out, we cry out! We press into You, Oh God! We call out unto You! We want to go out and do something so we don’t cry out to You! Yet, You call us to Yourself and tell us to “ask”. Thank you for the upthrust in prayer. Prayer is the most important critical thing. Faithful Father, help us to faithfully meet You day by day!

Give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation, to know Your heart more, to know You more, give up on all these other desires that compete. Intimately drawing near to You, drawing near!

Release that spirit of understanding that Your promises are sure but we need to do our part…we want to do our part. Like infants still grasping the kingdom, forgive us for still being infants when we should be grown up. How do we communicate that to others?

Abandoned devotion, clinging to You – we ask for that for this young generation. When it usurps the place of You, it’s not good. Remove our idols. Let us be a fragrant aroma to You! 

2 Cor. 2:14-16 Daily we’re given over to death that Your life might be revealed in us.

Song of Songs 4:16 Awake north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden that its fragrance may spread abroad. Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits.

1 Cor. 2:1-5 faith not built on men’s wisdom but on God’s power. Depending on You, relying on You. Resting in You. Raise up faith in the hearts of young people, Father! Thank you for this opportunity!

Victor, stir up faith. Greater willingness truth in You, to take steps of faith. Bring it to pass. Faith to arise. Willingness to let faith and dependence arise.

Show Yourself strong on their behalf. Deeper reliance upon You. Fragrance of Christ. Across SVM2 work, frangrance of Christ, experiential knowledge of Christ. Sit and wait in the secret place. Abandone devotion, spirit of renewal, revival. Sending out piece, greater quality.

“Whatever we are is what we reproduce in others.” A. Z. Tozer

Depths, so revived, light up the generation with Your Spirit, Your light. Bring greater glory, we’re asking for quality message bearers! That can stand the strain and the pressure. With the ‘Keith Green’ anointing. Tempered with sensitivity and love. Fragrance of Christ.

Mary anointed Jesus’ feet and the house was filled with the fragrance oil of the Holy Spirit. As we pour our lives out, fragrance of the Spirit be poured out upon them… Only as we are poured out as an offering to Christ is His fragrance spread abroad.

Touch the unreached Father. Remembering Betsy and Charlene! Father our sisters and brothers in Syria! Fragrance of Christ be poured out through their lives. Even in the midst of struggle and turmoil. Pour out Your fragrance. Cover the entire country. Fill the House. Fill the House with greater glory….

Experience the oil of the Spirit, new vessels of Your oil being poured out place to place. Costly sacrifice no sacrifice too great or too costly. Help us be willing Oh Father!

4 Components:
  •        Mission Meetings
  •        Bible studies
  •        GO declaration
  •       Global Prayer Meetings

Release a vision for the harvest. Give the command to GO into hearts—let them hear it, personalize it. Hearts moved with compassion and resting in Your commands. Chief motivation obedience to the Father.
Implementation with great power and great force. Move on the hearts of leaders. Release them to RUN. Student ministries after student ministries…let the RUN in the path of Your commands. Let there be a reproduction of Global Prayer Teams, quarterly or monthly, as they pray on topics related to missions movements. Revolutionize the vision for greater harvest! So cultivating a spirit of abandoned devotion, cut to their hearts, compelled by Your love. Anointing on these. It’s what You use. Sharing information spreading them.

Message Bearers—costly sacrifice, spirit of costly sacrifice, stretching, exercising faith, grains of wheat falling into the ground and dying, bearing much fruit.

Fruitfulness brings glory to God. Zweimer giving his life. So many in SE Asia, MENA elsewhere needing to know Jesus. Lives of costly sacrifice offered to Him who alone is WORTHY! Enemy cannot hold them back.

Bring fruitfulness in SE Asia! Fruitfulness to come forth, the harvest come forth. Calling forth the harvest. Let the harvest come. Cry out for Afghanistan. Hopelessness but yet calling for a turning, a harvest. Viable church to arise. House church to arise, authority over fearfulness to meet—give boldness to seek out other believers and worship together, practice “one-anothers” and strengthen each other. Disciple-makers to spread reach out to others. Who are you preparing as Message Bearers to this nation and its peoples? Gossiping of gospel, great fruitfulness. Let the reaper overtake the plowman. Believers arise.

Central Asian nations: calling for the harvest to come forth in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgystan, Azerbaijan, and every people, every nation, let God’s glory cover each place. Crying out to the nations! North Caucasus peoples—let the harvest come forth!! Scripture advocates that incredible ingathering. Holy Spirit come and move in these desperate nations. Remove what is hindering the gospel and speed Your Word to those who are hungry and thirst for righteousness and Truth. Prepare Your Church for this great ingathering today. Today is the day of salvation.

Give a maturity to the Church, prepare them, make us ready, expand our minds, help us!
Get us ready so we can receive it, 100,000 Message Bearers in the harvest in the most difficult places!

Mauritania! Crying out to You for Mauritania! Remember the sacrifices, the blood that’s been shed for Your Name’s sake. Calling forth the harvest! Remember the sacrifices and pour it forth!

Meeting with Norbert today. Father give good connection, show us Your will and plans. Give us listening ears to really hear You clearly! What You’ve been speaking. Continuity he’s laid foundations and help us build on what You have confirmed and laid.

Respond, move in power. You’re a big God, You are able to do all things. Pour forth the harvest today, Father!


Show us Your ways, Your thoughts this morning! You do nothing without revealing it to Your servants the prophets, Father. We choose to wait on You this morning to listen and receive revelation from You. Silence our flesh, the voice of our own thoughts, the enemy, and help us to hear clearly, to listen and obey Your voice.

Valley of Decision, multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Decision today. We choose to say, ‘yes’ to You, we’re not confused—we’re waiting, watching. We choose to keep saying ‘yes’ to You.

Trading our sorrows, receiving the joy of the Lord, confidently resting in You. You will accomplish these things. We can rest before You. You will do it. Cancel the attacks of the enemy. The enemy wants to get in and mess things up—shut the gates and keep out the wolf.

Watch over us—watch over our families here or scattered abroad. Protect Simon as he’s traveling now. Come and thwart the enemy’s plans for evil. We thank you that no weapon formed against us can prosper! Shield of faith over all that pertains to us. Put Your protective shield over all the workers of SVM2, alliances guard and keep every one of the families against disruptions, guide us when we have to figure out tricky situations, keep them at bay, allow us ample time to devote to seeking Your face, drawing near to You. Guard their families.

We pray against the little disruptions that waste precious time and energy. We ask You to guard our families, every concern, even where their next meal is coming from—Father so many must concern themselves at such a basic level, but yet You said if we seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness, then all these things will be added to us! Do it Father and help us to prioritize seeking first Your kingdom!

Ezra 1 mentions going up to build the house of the Lord—and those gave willingly. They came to give and to help build. We call forth the willing helpers in prayer, finance and physical partnership. Cause their hearts to be right, let them be happy to do it, to give willingly with  joy!

We call forth laborers who are right in character, provide for their children, basic needs for our brothers and sisters, a special anointing upon them, big picture vision and courage and faith to take those bold steps. Holy Spirit endue them with special anointing!

Prepare leaders, going after them, preparing church leaders to hear and respond, preparing spiritual life directors, now’s the time! Preparation to take place, break up that fallow ground! Student mobilizing initiatives. Call it forth in Jesus’ Name! Increase Your power, Father!

Psalm 90:17 Establish the work of our hands!

Isa. 54 Enlarge the place of your tent, lengthen your cords strengthen yours stakes, spread abroad to the north, south, east, and west! Let that prayer room grow, let your sphere of influence grow, let your fruitfulness expand!

It’s Your work, Father, we are Your vessels! Jars of clay, transform us to do the work of Your hands, establish for us the work of our hands in You. Open a place for that prayer room!

I see a greater thing, expanding, enlarge the tent. Tent of Meeting, Holy of holies…enlarge the tent, stretch forth the curtains, right and left, pull back the curtains, deeply rooted in You, Father!

Motivations, can be wrong, identity issues, wrong motivations, presumptions. Father, cleanse hearts and minds. Make our motivations pure and holy! Lead us in You! Do that with a spirit of rest. Establish the work of our hands, Father as we align with You. Enlarge it for Your glory, for the sake of the nations. Let humility arise, marked by humility, lowliness, rest. Let us die to anxious striving! There’s just no fruitfulness in that. Let us be humble, broken, contrite in Your eyes, for Your sake.

Philippines—join with what You’re doing. National level facilitator calling forth. Oh Father!

We pray for Hong Kong, Argentina, Brazil, for student movements in each of these nations. Oh, God, call forth this generation for Your kingdom purposes!

Where are the Marys? Secret place, download revelation.

Jeremiah 3:15 shepherds after Your heart. David, a man after Your heart. We ask for that globally, new breed of pastor, shepherd after Your heart. How rare that is on the earth today! True Shepherds after Your heart, Father!

We are all extremely weak, fall short, but lead us into that place, processes in his life, his heart of intimate connection to You, love nothing but God and hate nothing but sin! Not more quantity but greater quality! 14 years Paul was in the wilderness—in the secret place.

Message Bearers willing to go years in obscurity. Willing to pay the price, not looking for fame and fortune, but for Your kingdom’s coming! Let us model this! Mighty men and women raise them up!

Expose hidden schemes of the enemy; shine Your light—expose the Truth.

 Crisis—times of crisis, divine pause. Shine Your light! Message bearers, be made ready! You’re bigger God! Shine forth Your light! Shine Spirit! Rest upon them! May they be compelled by Your love to share. Send them out! Bring peace to these delicate situations.

Look at the nations, watch and be amazed! Hab 1:5 watch & see what I will do! Write the vision and make it plain on tablets Hab. 2:2 that the herald may run with it. You do in Your timing all that You have in Your heart!! You made the disciples successful in Your time. It will certainly come, it will not delay! The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, like the waters cover the sea!

Rita, Hong Kong, praying for her. God minister, guide, direct, open heart, open vision. Anointing pour forth!

2 Peter 2:9 If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Ash Wednesday, day of preparation and seeking God, first day of Lent, 40 days until Palm Sunday.

Psalm 145:17 Your judgment is good, loving to all You’ve made, drawing to You
Psalm 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal man who cannot save.”

Have your heartbeat, help us to surrender afresh! Lead us in understanding…. Take us higher, expand our capacity, open the eyes of our heart. Examine our hearts, purify us and cleanse us. Examine our hearts, remove evil, wickedness.

We stand with Jews as a people We may not agree with the geopolitical state, but God has His hand on His people. We want to stand as well with the Palestinian people, of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt…Father, each of us as people need You as our Savior and Lord. Father, You have created us and You have given us the uniquenesses in each one. Palestinians need You as well. In complex situations, we cry out to You and say, Father, do the best, do what is right, do what is just! We want to stand for God’s purposes in the earth, for righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For unity among brothers. For peace under the Prince of Peace. Awaken the Palestinian people and remove hatred, bitterness, and in place, put Your love, kindness, healing.

More compassion Father. Church to grow, to be fervent. Use believers to connect, to minister, get past ethical biases, past prejudices, let us be One in You. Reconciliation between peoples, move in power and accomplish Your purposes. Word in my heat like a burning fire. The Lord is with me as a mighty awesome one…

ObamaCare—will of administration to make us do something against God’s laws. Father, there is a mocking of You and Your commands. Father, we cry out to You—turn this what the enemy of our souls intends for evil into good. Like a tail fin slapping the water, but it creates a huge wave that swallows the whale…Father rectify the situations.

Put fire in the bones of the young people Father. No acquiescing, not compromising, not giving in to the enemy and yet let there be truth in the inward parts. Though the opposition rises even more, Father You are Stronger!

Campaign for ending abortion, Lou Engle, continue to move things forward. Roe v. Wade overturned. Father, move in power toward the overcoming of this! Move in power now. Pray for the administration and let righteousness prevail. Orchestrate, move in power. Cut down the demonic forces, principalities that are ripping out the soul of America. A totally different nation than 40 years ago. Return to God, oh nation! Return to God!

Crying out for a divine reversal! Return to seeking God. Living according to His Word and His ways. Teach us, remove the stony hearts from us and give us tender hearts, sensitive to Your Voice and obedient to You.
Confessing our sins, turning from our wicked ways. Oh Father, turn our hearts back to You. Needing for You to empower us, to walk according to the laws of the Spirit of life, not the laws of sin and death. Father help us speak the truth in love, building up the hearer. Father, we cannot do this on our own.

Kingdom living, walking in Your ways. Convict of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Return us to a House of Prayer. Let us be IN You! True freedom to run in the path of Your commands.

Lift up the space for the internship, the house next door. Father, where shall it be? Training and dorm? Father, if this is the place for SVM2, keep it reserved. Father, if not, show us where you have for it to be. You called SVM2 here, where is the place You’ve prepared?

Father, let us and let it be founded on the Rock. We seek You first, to have that foundation. We ask, if this is the right house, Father, hold it and confirm it. And, if not, show the right place.

Impartation passed on, meeting, divine appointments, guidance, Father.

“Cotter pin” picture of a tiny piece which is critical. Alignment, focusing, simplifying, greater power, greater rest. Vibrations, knocking, but alignment. Heavenly alignment.

Praying for tickets, visas, arrangements, assignments, order, plans. Not by might nor by power but by Your Spirit, Father. Finances, needs met in You.

Brianne, communications coordinator. Father, pour forth Your anointing, You guide and reveal. Open doors. Protection, provision.

Praying for leaders, Stanley, Hudson, James, Barbara, , leaders in Singapore, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, USA… Guard their hearts and minds, each one at a different phase, struggles, financial challenges, undergird w/ comfort, touch each one, guard frm temptations, doubts, firm foundations. You have done this. Anoint them with power. Ability to network across denominations and organizations. Networking authority released upon them. Help them know how to relate and to talk. Know what it can mean

Praying for 100 new student ministries to connect. Clarity of leading. Discernment and leading of the Spirit. IGNITE conferences, Word get out across boundary lines. Call forth the right leaders. Anointing to see conferences come together, nations that don’t yet have sending structures.

Ezra 1:5 rose to go up to build the house of the Lord. Led by Your Spirit. Call forth in the Name of Jesus, vs. 6 all around them those who contribute to the cause. Encourage them, those all around helped them financially, raised up and moved on those to provide for needs. Ezra 1:5-6 to take place. New centers: Argentina, Hong Kong, Philippines (PMA)

Details to be worked out, gives detailed plans for building the tabernacle. Give the details, Father. You are a God of details. Wisdom, power, prepare the way, wipe out every obstacle…

Praying for Brianne communications facilitator, call forth birthing of God’s plans and purposes. Resources, relationships, timings.

“Run to the battle…”


Gears are shifting…in a certain gear you can go up to so fast, but then you become maxed out. It is necessary to shift gears. We must put in the clutch, push the pedal to go faster. Then, there’s a lull during the shift. When the shift happens, more power can be released and you can go forward with even greater speed and efficiency. Praying for discernment to cooperate with the shifting in the heavenlies.

Transition to birthing time…most intense time of delivery. Much work. There was silence in heaven for about ½ an hour. New alignment is happening. Birthing a new thing…

Vision on Sunday of eagles, their restful flight, soaring… Isa. 40 to those who have no might he increases strength. The key to getting through, to mounting up with wings like eagles, waiting on the Lord. Not just a passive waiting, but active, engaged, attentive waiting with expectancy. 

Song: I will wait for you, Jesus, You’re the sun in my horizon. All my hope’s in You, Jesus. I can see you now arisin’; I can see you now arisin’.

WAIT Dwell in His presence. Atune our hearts and spirits to You. Remove clutter that so easily distracts us. Settle down into You—take every thought captive to You. Silence every voice. Speak for Your servant is listening.

“Gathering storm” like in Texas storms, there’s a kind of silence just before the storm, the sky can go green, there’s a feeling in the air. You can smell the rain….

Praying over the leaders around the world. US, French elections, Senegal, Syria, lots of leadership changes, N Korea…You tell us to pray for leaders in government. Governmental authorities changing. Coming shift in Thailand as well. David was a king after Your own heart. Father, put in kings after Your own heart! Let them be prepared in righteousness. Let them have hearts after You alone. Divine intervention – asking for Your man or woman in place.

Cyrus Isa. 45:1-8

Isa. 49:8-12

Crying out for godly discerning leaders. All they put their trust in is shaking: monetary system, material things, political system, governing systems, even natural system is shaking. Raise up deeper dependence on You. Not trust in bank accounts, governments only by Your Spirit, Father! Divine wisdom to be released. Not to allow us to be trusting in things that will ultimately burn. Mature believers look to You, ask, in the midst of storms.

Come hide in You, Jesus, found in You. Run into Your arms. Model that, come by the thousands, wisdom to be released. Not to look at trends but to cry out to You. Out of shaking, founded on unshakeable One.

People to be in their places. “Places everyone!” Director is calling to order the stage, and the live action is about to begin. Calling forth the burning hearts, eyes open, ears open, watching, waiting, lamps full of oil and ready for the cry. Call them forth, Father, not too late!

Let us rest in You. Importunity, intensity, perseverance. Call forth those of the fellowship of the burning heart! Your requirements, time, perseverance, testing of the vision… Let Perseverance work in us… Young people willing to count the cost! Grip them in the vise grip of Your love, Father. Compelling of Your love.
Help them to keep with the process, go after the vision, willing to go through the valleys, death of a vision. Later You release the fullness. Sticking to it, willingness to count the cost, to come together with radical intensity. Call forth those who are wanting the challenge—rigorous discipline. Calling higher, to rule and reign, costly, counting the cost…

Hosea called to marry a harlot. Jeremiah called not to marry. Count the cost! Embrace the cross! In the world and not of it. Purposeful in being different, not tied to the world’s standards.

Greater teaching on the ways of God to bring us to that place of full surrender. Processes You use to mature us, greater teaching of the ways of God.

“Historic moment ahead”.

Praying for Jill & Simon, frustration in the waiting period, hear from schools in England, not in a waiting place but moving forward.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Perplexity: the state of being perplexed; confusion; uncertainty. 2. something that perplexes: a case plagued with perplexities. 3. a tangled, involved, or confused condition.

Dissonance: A tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements; lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony.

Today we come as Your children, Father! We want to thank you and praise You that we can really rely upon You, lean upon You, not our own wisdom or understanding. We are feeling overwhelmed, forces of evil seem oppressive and strong. Yet, we look to You, Jesus, You are the Champion, You are the Victor. All authority is Yours in heaven and on earth and under the earth today. Your Church will be and is victorious and the gates of hell cannot stand against it.

We want to stand with countries who have seen such overwhelmingly difficult circumstances today. For Nigeria—all the fighting, pillaging, murder and rape! Oh, Father, have mercy! Let their faith not fail! Give us a heightened vision of the cross, of Your wounds for our sake, of the blood of Jesus shed for us!

Student generations –give a true vision not just f what You did, but a new understanding at new levels of Your broken body and what these wounds made available to us. Help this generation to walk in holiness! It’s impossible except by the blood of Jesus!

Help us to faithfully preach Christ and Him crucified! Paul did… Re-emphasis on the cross, the crucified one, man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Revival birthed of the focus on Your crosss once more. What it meant for the Father to crush His Son and what it meant for the Son to submit to being crushed on our behalf! He endured for the joy set before Him—help us to endure likewise.

Produce endurance within us—in our struggles, hardships, misunderstandings, we need this, a fresh vision by grace saved through faith, not of works!

We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which He prepared beforehand for us to walk in them. God prepared them. Now through the Church the manifold wisdom is being made known to rulers, authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose.

Strengthen us with power through His Spirit in your inner being. You are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. Help us to endure hardship as discipline, knowing that You are disciplining us as sons. Help us to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees and to make level paths for our feet.

Heb. 13:3 Help us to remember those in prison as if we were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if we ourselves were suffering! Help us to identify with their suffering as You did with ours, Jesus!

For the SVM2 internship, community here in Chiang Mai. Father birth the godly community You desire to see brought forth. Let us grow deep in Your Word.

Jeremiah 3 shepherds after God’s own heart, give us that kind of heart.
Rev. 3—call to Sardis to strengthen what remains. Father, a few didn’t have their garments soiled—let that godly influence be fanned and grow. Let it not die! Fan the flames of passion for You.

Part of Your purpose to raise up shepherds like David, deep in the Word, desperate need for You. Anointing for prayer and supplication to go deep in the Word. We’re asking You to do great and mighty things! Develop shepherds with hearts like David after Your own heart!

Able to strengthen what remains. True unction and exhortation. Holding a high standard for Your Word. Fixed on Your Word, You, on global harvest! Release and establish this work a new work, fresh.

Breaking up fallow ground. Opposition from Satan. Establish this work. On Your heart, commanded it, mandated it—now bring it to pass! Establish the work of Your hands now, Father. No weapon formed against Your work will prosper. Breathe upon it. Call the right ones to participate in it. We welcome Your presence and Your process, according to Your step by step purposes.

Stand now with Ryan and Kelly, believing You for the open doors, the provision, the interns, the favor, the open heavens…

Bow the knee to Your authority, spirit of interdependence.

Titus speaks of urging young men to be sensible, purity of doctrine, sound speech…1 Tim. 4:12 says don’t despise your youth but set an example of living in this way…walking in an exemplary way, need for the cross, understanding full gospel. Not only for forgiveness, but free us.

Break down of understanding of the fullness of the gospel—let there come forth the full truth, the whole truth of the gospel. Jesus empowers us to walk in holiness.. Not trying harder—availing ourselves of the full breadth of the truth of the cross. Let us lay hold of MORE of what Your laid hold of us for!

Massive banqueting table set before us, not partaking of it, Jesus help us, help us to communicate it, strengthen what remains, let us lay hold of the fullness, burdened for all You have for us. Your kingdom coming in fullness.

Bondage be broken! How to be free, forgive us for not teaching, not imparting the fullness. Give the whole thing… for freedom Christ has set us free. “Let my people go…” free from bondages, cry out for the fullness of freedom. What You’ve purchased today!

Spiritual Emphasis Week at Grace Intl School—Father hear message of freedom, destiny, excitement, make this week a turning point.

Calling forth Message Bearers from Ghana, Ethiopia, Germany, Russia, South Korea, Mexico, Brazil.
Arrest young hearts midstep. Remove blinding, power of spiritual awakening, putting off false Christianity, awakening of young believers, lost will come in. believers becoming renewed.

Awaken young hearts and young people to come into the fullness—nothing else matters! No distractions! Nothing to hinder. Remove mountains in their way! Raise up low places, stones of stumbling. Clear the pathway!

Walking in obedience, True awakening to spread. Overdue for true revival radical turning again, crying out for their generation! America & Britain spiritual life so deplorable, ripe for awakening once more. Call forth a true turning to New Testament Christianity!

“For the Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding.” -Proverbs 2:6

“Take your eyes off yourself and reset your focus. Take your eyes off your mountain and turn them to your mountain-maker. Take your eyes off your hardship and refocus, past the chaos, beyond the veil, where My sovereignty reigns over all. In the press, in the whirlwind, in the shifting sand, I have things to tell you that will usurp the ‘usurping one’, that will calm the storm, and will place the mountain into a swallowing sea. Turn to Me. Step back, step away, and turn to Me!”

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” -James 1:5

“By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established.” -Proverbs 24:3

Friday, February 17, 2012


Col. 1:15 15-18We look at this Son and see the God who cannot be seen. We look at this Son and see God's original purpose in everything created. For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, rank after rank after rank of angels—everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment. And when it comes to the church, he organizes and holds it together, like a head does a body.
…that in everything He might have the preeminence…
He is the image of the invisible God, all was created through and for Him! Head of the Body.
Father, today, we want to pray for the epicenter of world events: Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Arab Peninsula.
Father we cry out to You for those imprisoned for their faith! For comfort, encouragement strength, boldness, Be with them in their suffering. That they may not feel alone or forgotten, but remind them that You are there with them. Encourage their families. Stretch forth Your hand and show Yourself strong on their behalf!
Restrain evil, Father! Give yet a window of opportunity for those who need to know You! Call forth Laborers, Message Bearers, to carry the light into the darkest places! Call forth laborers among the least-reached peoples! Kings of the earth may take their stand but the Lord in heaven laughs at them. He is on His Throne and rules over all!
Leaders drunk with their own power, Father, shine forth! You gave authority, You can take it away. Assad in Syria, Father, You alone know what is best for the extension of Your rule, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit—Your Kingdom to prevail. Work out all the civil war situations to give a window of opportunity for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Wisdom and understanding, Kingdom purposes to prevail. To the extent that we/they can grasp what is going on, show us that we may pray with Your purposes. Pray appropriately, give a greater dimension, outworking of Your kingdom purposes today.
Praying with power, Father, with Your perfect will to be brought forth.
Iran the key, the enemy is using this nation and its leaders to stir up trouble. If God would shake Iran, it’s like an octopus, cutting off the legs does not affect the head. Father, uproot, tear down, overthrow those who are in power that intend evil for your people.
Jeremiah 1:10-11  9-10God reached out, touched my mouth, and said, "Look! I've just put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered! See what I've done? I've given you a job to do among nations and governments—a red-letter day! Your job is to pull up and tear down, take apart and demolish, And then start over, building and planting."
Ask God to uroot, overthrow, cast down. Cut off the head, no peace in Syria until the evil is uprooted. The issue is that the enemy is trying to distract from the central key. Shaking like Iran has never known. No foundation able to stand, tear down the intricate structures which are supporting evil activities. Rise up, gospel witness in these days. Boldness and courage for the believers.
Bold witnesses, come forth with power to avenge the death of Your saints. Spirit of sacrifice, courage, higher level, where the enemy is entrenched there is going to be a war…keep them close and intimate to You.
Revelation of strategic ways to cut off the head of the serpent. Help nations see thru the smokescreen, to see the evil root and to be able to cut it off…
Syria B & C’s trip, supernatural provision, protection, providence…praying always for you with all prayers and supplications.
Col. 3:9 9-11Don't lie to one another. You're done with that old life. It's like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you've stripped off and put in the fire. Now you're dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete. Words like Jewish and non-Jewish, religious and irreligious, insider and outsider, uncivilized and uncouth, slave and free, mean nothing. From now on everyone is defined by Christ, everyone is included in Christ.
Fruit bearing, increasing, revelation of keys to delaying the gathering storm. Joel Rosenberg & others, prophetic voices of warning, guide and speak through Your prophets.
Restrain evil, thrust forth workers, open blind eyes to the gospel, cut through gates of bronze and bars of iron, set captives free.
Jerusalem—peace of Jerusalem. Your intercessors watchmen on the wall, praying, courageous, boldness, faith to rise up.
This is the kairos moment! Today is the day of salvation! Recognize the times and seasons, know the proper procedure, anointing of the sons of Issachar!
Your Word—come boldly before Your Throne.
Iran situation—remove Ahmadenijhad, people to find a way to get him out of office, thru chief ayatollah? Father guide and direct.
Global awakening among the lost, to see, recognize time is short. Massive revival, massive turning, 2 billion to come to Christ! Last times ingathering! Coming into the Kingdom. Come, convict the world of sin, move in hearts and minds. Create a longing for Jesus! You are the only one. So many have not heard the gospel in a culturally-relevant way. Speed the proclamation! Power packed presentation of the gospel, release power to teach the hearts ofunbelievers.
Continue to have Your way! Obama, elections, godly men to make good decisions for the country.
Leaders in preeminence such as Ted Turner, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, remove stones in the path, speak through these and to these to raise up men after Your own heart. Cry out on behalf of those who need to know You. Cry out on behalf of America! Turn back to God!
Turn away from Your fierce anger oh Father, wash us, cleanse us, we deserve Your punishment, but instead, grant mercy! In wrath, remember mercy! Forgive us for turning away from You, Oh God!
Forgive us for turning away from Israel in their time of need! Those who bless Israel will be blessed & those who curse Israel will be cursed. Mercy! Say Your hand of judgment! Stay your hand of judgment! Don’t allow terrorism!
Remove the filth in media, pornography, abortion, gay marriage, forgive us Lord! Cleanse us again! Raise up a righteous generation! Raise up a leader like Moses, let us rededicate ourselves to You!
Raise up a generation choosing righteousness. Have mercy, Son of David.
Economic shaking, trying to wake up America! Stay Your hand of judgment, Oh Father! We plead the blood of Jesus over America, Oh God! Come with Your mercy over this nation, orchestrate by Your hand, righteousness in the White House, right people to come into office, move with power on Your people, pray for government—raise up members to pray. Seek Your face for the breakthrough raise up new administration.
Son of righteousness rising with healing in His wings. Joel days—let the prophecy of Joel be poured out. Outpouring, position the laborers and let them cry out. Your Word be proclaimed.
Rend the heavens and come down. Awakening, power of Your Spirit released once again. Coming down.
Student generation, come of age, through power and love of the Spirit. Perpetual revival, pour out Your Spirit, awakening perpetual. Daily basis filling with the Spirit. Asking for You to grow our community
Wholehearted love going after Jesus. Being trained going out. Growing a community of wholeheartedness to Christ. City of refuge, lay the groundwork, pillar foundation, firm established, based with pillars on Jesus Christ. Calling it forth.
Rend the heavens and come down with power in our day. Sometimes the biggest obstacles has been the Church. Father forgive us!
Dave M, Dan S., Bill M Keith C, Jan C, Linda B, Chris D, Merv W, Justin L and others who are stewards or the information needed by workers to know where the greatest need it—unity in their work, diligence, Holy Spirit empowering. Father guide by Your hand.
Orchestrate the music of heaven, each instrument playing its part in harmony. Coming forth, remove barriers, remove division, pour forth your Spirit.
You answer prayers! Let faith arise! SVM2, different networks to lay hold of You for move of God. Living righteously in a dark generation matters, protect us body, mind, soul and spirit. Protect us—no backlash, let us be faithful in clothing ourselves. Guard and keep us in You!


2 Timothy 3:1-5 Use what the enemy intended for evil turn to good for Your Kingdom and for the extension of the gospel. Jesus, they need to know Jesus!
Peace in the Middle East! Persian people to know Your love. Believers in Syria, Middle East, Iranian dissidents, Your love, reveal Yourself to them, Father!
Seeds of the gospel, Persians in Iran and the diaspora, Father, have mercy upon them! Let peace prevail! Come, reveal any other plots trying to incite a war. Create confusion among those trying to incite violence. Bring confusion among those intending evil. Cooler heads prevail. Let cooler heads prevail!
Hold back war—restrict and restrain evil. Intervene, Father! Cool off the conflict—stand on their behalf.
Israel, the Word of the Lord to run swiftly, carry the word to their hearts and let it penetrate! Let them know the Truth and the Truth set them free indeed! Let their hearts be turned to You, Father!
Touch the at a heart level, meet them in a unique way in their Scriptures that point to You, Jesus! Let the first fruits come forth once again….Let the full # of the Gentile believers to come in, but Father, bring forth the might ingathering of Jews in the end days! Prepare their hearts!
Incite them to jealousy, Father, first fruits of awakenings to You. Jews found almost on every continent. Let them hear Your voice and respond. Soften their hearts. Cause urgency to seek the Truth. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! Move them forward, toward Jesus!
You promise this will continue, sifting is taking place, clear division for nominal church awakening, Father! Eyes to be opened, truth to penetrate their hearts. Your Word requires us to do something!
We cry out for Orthodox, Catholic, Reformed, Coptic, Traditional Churches, let there be an awakening! Shake the nominal Church, Father, let them wake up! Pure church, bring a pure spotless Bridge forth! Let those be awakened! Let their lamps be filled with oil! Not mixture, but clearly a move to grab ahold of nominal ones. True believers to emerge & flow through the Churches. Let the know the Truth and the Truth set them free! Fill us with Your oil, Holy Father! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Awaken! Arise! Watch! Only YOU can do the work! Thank you for liturgies Father, for in them is Truth. But let those truths expressed drop deep into the hearts of those speaking them. Let a revelation of the Truth go forth.
Let it come down suddenly! Even icons, Father let these things speak even as Creation itself bears witness of You and of Your Truth! Thank you for the Orthodox Church, Father, for its testimony!
We call for Israel, Ethiopia, Syria, Iran, Russia, the work of Your Spirit in the Orthodox Church today! Let Your Spirit bring conviction and encouragement.
Peace, shalom, peacemakers, Your people to return to You as their God. Raise up peacemakers. Raise up disciples to go share Your love. All those hungry to receive food cold to receive warmth.
President of the USA—submit to Your Word and government, righteousness in govt. Put the Daniels, Esthers, Nehemiahs, Josephs, Deborahs into the positions of influence, next to key govt. leaders in today’s world.
Raise up advisors like Daniel in the Syrian system, in the Iranian system. Believers who are in positions of influence next to leaders. Rescued Daniel—rescue them! Be glorified & recognized through their lives and witness. Prosper, protect, give influence to them.
Central Asian nations! Pakistan, Kohistan, messengers bold and courageous to carry good news even in these difficult places. Now is the time, today is the day of salvation in Central Asia! Pour forth the good news, let it be proclaimed from the mountain tops! Speak forth oh messengers of the gospel! Sound the trumpet, raise the alarm!
Raise up a generation of message bearers across this continents. Let them give the answer for the hope within them. Let the Truth sound forth boldly through their lives and their speech. In season and out of season.
If this is a move of God, it can’t be stopped. Doors for You open that cannot be shut! Obedience-based disciples and discipleship! Father, let them go out to be bold witnesses for You!
Resistance to error—recognize the Truth and be set free!
2 Tim. 3:1-5 1-5Don't be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They'll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they're animals. Stay clear of these people.
How should we then live, Father! Guide us, form us, direct us, and enable us to live as lights shining in dark places! Light dispel the darkness!