Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday, April 26th 2012

Spiritual conflict…is contending for the fullness of the destiny that God has given. Praying for African believers- tenderizing and sensitizing sure knowledge of who you are. Give them the right preparation; right equipment, right training, give them the power and authority, confidence in you. We pray for balanced teachings based on the word of God on the subject of spiritual authority, prophetic understanding to know what they are coming against.
Students across nations- protesting and riots may you bring peace and let there be a summer that testifies of your love. Let love be the banner that is lifted up over believers in the student generation, love is the change dynamic coming in the opposite spirit.
Jude 3- message bearers to contend for the apostolic faith and to judge methods and strategies based solely on the word of God. Let there be a stubborn dependence upon God, confidence in God moving on their behalf. Supernaturally come as father of fatherless, breathe security into their hearts of the broken and battered. Let missionaries arise who confidently trust in the living God by your blood across Latin America, Africa, Asia and the West.
Break open hearts in Pakistan, let revival come, Jesus did not come with the sword but died on the cross. Break the strongholds that hold them in bondage. Let truth pierce through the lies, signs and wonders break forth that testify to the revelation of Christ. Bring forth men who would surrender their pride and identity in Islam and come to Jesus to find a new identity. Revelation of Christ willing to come to a new identity.
We come against evil spirits in Pakistan and we proclaim that all must come and bow down their knees before you. Revelation 1:12-16; white robe, gold sash, out of the mouth double edged sword. Use the double edged sword to transform this nation. Lock the door to Hades and give them time to see your truth, give dreams and visions of you.
Give the Pakistan church a heart to go to the nations and that they would not say that I am too small or too young but they would go forth in power to preach the Good New s.
We are standing confidently in your power to do these things!!

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