Monday, February 27, 2012


Praying today for the Church in Chiang Mai.
From Phil. 1:9:
·             * that your love may abound more and more
·             *  In knowledge & depth of insight
·            *   Discern what is best
·              * Pure and blameless
·            *  Filled with all the fruit of righteousness
·            *  Glorify God

Praying for churches, ministries, orphanages, for pastors and leaders, that the love of Jesus would be all-consuming. Praying for Thai, Karen, and expatriate churches to grow and grow in depth of understanding, in obedience to the Word and His Spirit’s leading. Let the mystery of Your love overflow, truly understanding the depth of Your love for them.

Praying for 3 who gave their lives to Jesus Sunday at City Gate Church—let the light of Christ shine on them, let them grow up into the full measure of the stature of Jesus, enlighten the eyes of their hearts.

Across the city, let love abound. Take us deeper in You, passionate, intense love for Jesus in the depths of our being, love for the lost, conviction of sin, compassion, Your heart. Let love arise in believers, love that suffers long and is kind, 1 Cor. 13 kind of love, agape, thinks no evil, bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things, believes all things. Passion and desire to seek after this kind of love, not selfish or rude. Deepen Thai believers to think outside themselves, to look up, to come up higher in Him.

Hebrews 10 “let us”…
·            *  Have confidence to enter the Holy Place
·             * Through our Great High Priest Jesus
·             *  Draw near to God
·           *    Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess
·              * Consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds
·            *   Not give up meeting together
·            *   Throw off everything that hinders
·            *   Fix our eyes on Jesus

Acts Church, City Gate Church, Chiang Mai Christian Fellowship, House of Praise, and all others
Give us and them diligence, wake them up, make them fully alive and active in You. Break off apathy and laziness, spirit of sleep, let all of us run with endurance the race set before us with determination, perseverance. Let us recognize it is a time of harvest!

Praying for all the prayer efforts and prayer leaders for the prayer houses springing up across the city and the nation: Marlene, Joy, Oy, Norbert, Amie, Anna, Helen, Craig, Nick, and all those laboring to pray and to raise up prayer for the region inside and outside here. Father fan the flames of intercession and spiritual warfare. Let us stand with You alongside You to intercede for Your children, for Your Bride, Your Church.

City of Refuge—calling it into existence. Let it be a Revival Hub for all Asia, even for the world. A place of rest and refreshing in the Lord. Picture—pour it out across the continent. Divine impact—You want to use this city, powerfully. Let Your Presence rest here in ever-increasing measure. Release Your presence into the vacuum, flood in by Your Presence. You can do this kind of work in this city. Come and do this, this is Your will, Your desire…

Local churches enter in, align themselves, bring to birth the New Thing You desire to do, You are brooding over it by Your Spirit. Hover, Holy Spirit, bring forth the New Thing You desire.

Drink deep of Your powerful presence we have now—Ask—Lord Jesus COME! Holy Spirit, COME! Anoint ministries. Called here to bless somewhere else—strategic to see God’s purposes being worked out.
Body fragment but unite us together in You, One Lord One Faith, One Baptism. Neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female but all One in You.

Empower us to cultivate our times in the prayer closet, in the secret place more and more. In a greater way, we call it forth. More prayer, more interconnectivity, greater measure of committed devoted prayer. 

Perspective to so shift that we are moving deeper into the River of Your Presence. Perspective to so shift…we can see Your hands moving. Unless the heart is right the outward does nothing. Ignite our hearts with a fresh vision for prayer. Let the city see something different. Raise it up across the board. Spirit of prayer for Chiang Mai.

Vision of a palm oil tree, dripping with the precious oil, useful in so many ways, oil of the Spirit pour forth, fruit nourishing us, leaning out over the waters, dropping precious seeds carried to the four corners of the earth. Spirit, pour forth Your oil, endow us with Your gifts and empower us with Your enabling strength. Thank you, Father that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Pour forth Joy!!

Pastors Gampon and Marion, Kroensak and other pastors and leaders, pure hearts, burning desire for more of You, nothing more contagious than Your Spirit, who You are, glory and majesty. Riches of the kingdom, become full visions of what You can do, what you desire to do. Let them look and behold You.

Buddhist mindsets be gone—no more known as a city of Buddhist meditation, but a city of prayer to the Living God. Doi Suthep—becoming a house of prayer for all nations. Founded on blood but the blood of the Lamb cleansing and washing clean. This is to be a city of prayer, intercession, be renewed, to give weekends and weeks going deep with You—power of the Evil One to be broken. Broken by the power of Jesus’ Name. New freedom, new light, new love of God poured out!

Calling us—workers to come from across SE Asia, to be renewed and revived. Gifts of the Spirit released. Pray more against satan’s schemes against the pastors. They would be aware – open their eyes so they are not unaware of his schemes. We do not focus on him but we are aware of his schemes. Father, even the hidden schemes of the enemy, You know—break them apart, bring confusion in the enemy’s camp, bind away the evil plans of darkness. We worship You who are Light, Love, Life. Dwell in Your Presence, Father. Worship we call forth worship! Father, help us recognize the schemes of the enemy and not cooperate with him. Father help us not to join forces with the accuser of the brethren but speak pure words, refined in the furnace of the earth seven times, holy words, words of encouragement and praise only.

Deposit within us the understanding how to battle. Desperate days require desperate means. Seriousness about our call and our work. We bind the enemy’s schemes, and pray for unmasking of his works, light to shine in dark places. Reveal hidden things that can be cleansed and removed. We pray against fear and all the works of fear, except the clean pure fear of God. Greater measure of that discernment.

Song of Solomon 2:10-1510“My beloved responded and said to me, ‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along. 11‘For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. 12‘The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. 13‘The fig tree has ripened its figs, And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along!’” 14“O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret place of the steep pathway, Let me see your form, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your form is lovely.” 15“Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards, While our vineyards are in blossom.”

Let fear fall by the wayside. Fig tree forms its early fruit—time of the fruiting of labors long past, the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Let us be fully One with Your purposes.

Not Laodicean church, but fully on fire, passionate, radiant with Your presence and fire upon us. Not judgmental but invitation to go deeper, grow in passion, return to first love. Let’s go hard after You, red hot in devotion for Jesus, abandoned devotion to You, clearly different as a believer, passionate, intense, fervent, wholehearted desire and delight. Tendency to be so casual, but empower enable anoint us to be wholehearted.

Luke 9 Count the cost, costliness of the sacrifice. Extravagant cost, sufferings, they went through yet they held on to You. Living sacrifices Romans 8:1-3

In Your perfect will as You see fit, let us see Your hand in the difficulties, embrace the cross, let those trials be turned to gold. Allow You to form me, release Your power upon me.

1 Kings 7:10-11 Solomon’s buildings foundations built of costly stones, construction of the temple, costly stones, costly foundations.

Give grace, have a different perspective on the hardships. What are you trying to build in us? Lifestyle of prayer and worship, part of costly foundation. Embrace the costliness. Give grace, power and willingness to become part of fruitfulness for all challenges & good things, spirit of love and gratitude. Fill us with Your love, Jesus! Amen!!

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