Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Release this generation, parents, culture. Overcoming fear of man. At a birthing point. Time is now.
Release this generation. Got to go out.
Heb. 13:13 “Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. For here we do not hae an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.”
Praying for the new generation to arise, a new breed of radicals, many of the cultural items not of You,
but Kingdom culture redeemed, redeem it!
Heavy handedness, partisan spirit broken.
Instead release a spirit of conviction, not contradictory to Your Word and Your ways.
Release those You are calling forth with an  understanding of authority,
break the spirit of control discernment and wisdom,
Joshua & Moses—“I wish all the Lord’s people were prophets” happy when 2 prophesied away,
releasing spirit. Praying for those younger generation of apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists to be released into the Body of Christ. Visionaries for Christ. Put Moses’ spirit upon the elder generation.
Picture of the release, earthquake came, loosed their shackles and they were led out by the guards—
Philippi—earthquake supernaturally broke their chains, but they remained under authority.
Let the Church be shaken, God comes and shows pastors, and pastors lead them out themselves.
Blessing the release of newer generation of leaders.
Pastors’ hearts cannot be seen, time is now to release! Release the generation!
England, Germany, Korea Shake the church if necessary, not to go out in rebellion, but led out.
Shaking—leaders to see the time “has come…” kairos moment
Young people with discernment – obey God rather than man, yet not in a spirit of rebellion but submission to God above all else. Obedience.
Jabez – bless me, expand my borders, that it would not pain me, I won’t cause pain, His hand to be with us. Release those who were cursed, into the new blessing.
Showing forth of the sons of God. Submit to the process of releasing. For in that is preparation.
Allow you to build deep character into the process. Release, submit to the process. Grow in patience, serving others, growth process, grace, enabling to recognize it, God’s internship allowing God to mold them.
Strength, requiring a meek people, confidence in Jesus to vindicate them. Responded with singing worship. Power of worship and song to break chains. Bring for the song of this generation.
Fixing our eyes on You, You’re our treasure, our great reward. My eyes fixed on Him.
Spirit of praise rise up! Serve, go the extra mile, empowered to go beyond the limits.
Change this generation into a generation that beholds You, and gazes upon Your presence, Your face.
Loose Anna’s and Simeon’s who are waiting and welcoming the release of the anointed ones,
who recognize those upon whom is God’s hand of anointing in the young generation and blesses them.
Identity, putting your identity in the wrong things.
Ask, seek, knock. Break off wrong identity. Kingdom perspective of success. Faithfulness and obedience. Heal the wounds of the past. Give boldness, voice of credibility to walk with right identity.
Statesmen type leaders like Moses—call back to true biblical leadership. Spirit of abortion bound,
spirit of Saul (jealousy) bound, David’s mighty men come forth!
Key area of battle in Thai Church.
Prodigal son—spirit of sonship be released in Jesus’ Name. Older son resentful—
bind resentfulness of those who have remained faithful. Power, love and a sound mind released.
Spirit of sonship, spirit of fathering & mothering released.
Awareness and confirmation of sonship. True sons of God revealed.
Spirit of adoption, crying ‘Abba, Father’. Father’s heart of love released over the sons.
Spirit of wisdom and revelation—to find their true identity in Jesus Christ.
In God, in His eyes of love for them.
Heart issues, least of these to confound the wise. Not judging by eternals. Identity, not after fame.
Secure & sure, beloved of God. Your eye upon Him.
Saying ‘no’ to temptations—love God, beloved of God, confident in Him, not proud but humble.
Confident in Your grace. Model lifestyle, having identity, loved of God, favored by God.
Release this upon this generation.
John 13—He knew who He was. Where he had come from & where He was going.
Satan is making this so much harder today. Parenting is crazy! Father break the power of evil, lack of good parenting skills. Father, fill the gap. Parenting to empower them. Not a cultural thing, but kingdom model of parenting, kingdom purposes how to rightly raise a son & daughter of God. Release this revelation upon parents. In Thailand, no longer raise believers’ children irresponsibly, but God’s way. Take a stand, for kingdom model, be bold. Curse going down generations Break it Father! Release to be releasers of life.
Mal. 4:2-3, 5-6 hearts of the fathers to the children and chidren to the fathers son of righteousness to rise with healing in His wings, go out & leap like calves released from the stall. Trample down the wicked.
He was seeking godly offspring. Recognition of You as Creator, Author, Initiator, Sovereign.
Intellectualism—wisdom of God wiser, His thoughts and His ways higher than ours.

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