Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Fresh vision, “new”
Ps. 103:1-5
Eph. 1:17 spirit of wisdom & revelation, eyes enlightened, riches of the glory of His inheritance
Seated in heavenly places; Grow in fullness of calling
Release of high calling, clear vision awaken Your Body in this city; Renewal of first love
Renewal of morality, foundational component of rich deep character.
*redemptive gifts refined and released
Stop being babies living in diapers. Grow up into the fullness of the measure of the stature of Christ. Take up plow and not look back. Turn plowshares into swords.
"Awake, O Israel" song sung over Chiang Mai
Blow the trumpet! Joel -- Sound the jubilee, year of the Lord’s favor, Prepare for war…let the weakling say I am strong in the Lord, Joel 3:9
One of 100,000! Take us to the next level. Release the new things, the suddenly of the Lord…breakthrough! Break open the way. Old ways and old habit patterns. Obstruction. Preoccupied, may be seen effective but old ways. Old habits, gospel is simple. People can be led by the Spirit. Form of godliness but denying its power. Release the power of the Holy Spirit over the Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and around the world!
Ineffective habits gone, release courage! Awakening—you use your people to stimulate it
Amos, speak to your prophets about what you’ll do Thai leaders, intl. churches, m orgs, follow leading of HS—new, fresh wind. Release the new wineskins!
3 people became Christians this weekend. 1 new believer yesterday @ church. First of many first fruits. 10 going off to plant a church now…S. From C G Church…praying for first of many, churches in houses, a new model, lead the way. Du, new leader, rising up, prayed for him to have confidence in his anointing in the Spirit. Ignite with fire, remove away all lying spirits in Jesus’ Name.
DNA Christians are designed to multiply, to reproduce. Viruses hinder the church reproducing. Infected with a virus that stops growth. Father, remove and heal that virus—release the reproductivity.
Remove the clutter of the church. Praying for wisdom. Specific viruses—remove.
Prayed Luke 10—release of anointing and revelation for walking in truths of Luke 10.
Truth of your Word. Spirit of control broken. Bondage of control, fear of losing some. Holidng back. Spirit of empowerment to be released. Giftings called forth & honored.
Watchman Ezekiel 33—proclamation, blow the trumpet in Zion Joel 2:1-2
Prayer Room—calling forth the prayer room, details, Airport Mall? Prayerwalking….
“moveable feast” –what does that mean, how does it apply? Like tabernacle in the wilderness, or is it global, taking it to nations? Don’t worry, don’t be anxious, Open heavens here. I will delight in it.
Divine convergeance…seasons, peoples, organizations, season of divine convergeances.
Korean—unity with Korean church, praying for next generation in Korea, draw them to the faith of their parents, keep them from worldly pursuits,
Ephesus—7 churches, a generation, 40 years ago, after rev. 40 years, 1st fervent but 2nd went cold. Fire to catapult it forward… spiritual heritage contextualizing, adapting for their generation. Release a spirit of prayer!
Resuccitate radical prayer. Prayer movement once again. Resuccitate 20’s & 30’s again. Radical commitment. Spirit of prayer…intervene & orchestrate.
Protection from entertainment. Refine their tastes. Purify their hearts. Busy-ness. Courage to turn off noise & busy-ness. Protect young people!! Secret place with you. Examples of that, models of that, living examples, wholehearted radical devotion. Grace Intl. School also. Deep wholehearted, models among them.
Teenagers involved, dwell, come experience God, call forth, in Jesus’ Name, 24/7 birthed here.
PK’s & MK’s—renaming the generation, each generation red hot with zeal and fervency, lulls…relapses…broken…returns…break that pattern but let their be a generational passing of the baton. Heal offenses, help them release where they’ve taken up offenses.
Blessings of parents to children and children to parents. Unbroken chain of faith. Find us faithful. Disciplers.
Isa. 60:11 gates open continually, so men may bring you the wealth of the nations.VM

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