Friday, February 17, 2012


Speak to us, show us what’s on Your heart. You’re attentive to our hearts, we want to be attentive to yours. Fix our eyes on Jesus, who is the author & finisher of our faith. Put a new song in our mouths, set our feet upon the rock. Many will see & hear & put their faith in the Lord.
Psalm 40:1-4 Our Rock, our foundation, You hold us! Gave me a firm place to stand.
Romans 12:1-2 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Young believers Philippines & Hong Kong, present your bodies a living sacrifice, accepted by God, not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind, able to test & approve God’s will—good, pleasing & perfect will.
Release power on the inside, not to be content w/ being a cultural Christian. Give them a hunger & thirst for you
I see a huge tsunami wave toward SE Asia—huge wave of Your Spirit, carrying them into mainland China, be ready to get on that wave, ready to go on for You.
Guilt and shame hinder Your people moving forward. You remember our sin no more. Have to sit & wait, cry out—a lie of the devil! Lies of the evil one—they are accepted in the Beloved!
Let them recognize Your love for them. Acceptance now, for them, love them, eyes turned toward You.
Lying spirits cast off. Speaking the truth in love. 15-16-17 years old, healing breakthroughs.
Wounding of the past healed, divine healing to be released.
Bind up the wounds set them free! Still carry self-hatred. God is for them, not against them. Help them to see this. Addictions broken,
Hong Kong computer industry young people access to it so much, time waster, time consumer, give youth leaders, youth pastors, hunger and thirst after You! Give them time freed up to love and serve You. Wisdom as they seek out jobs & professions.
“Set my people free” to have that heart for freedom. Parents, “set your children free” to love & serve Jesus. Expose lies of the enemy concerning identity, expose worldly ways of thinking.
Operate according to the kingdom. Impartation in the Spirit. Understanding kingdom dynamics as members first of your kingdom. Lay down things wrongly ingrained in us.
Reveal these things Father, show them Your kingdom. Now do I now the will of God? Cloudedness related to Your will cleared. Simple concept, as we’re walking receiving our acceptance. Renewing our minds. Your will be made known clearly, revelation of clarity on human spirit, basics of learning to hear and walk by faith. You desire us to know Your will at a broad level for the world. Lack of clarity, where is the world going? Let the Word speak clearly…
Individual lives, recognize specific things, general direction. Not conforming to this world, but conformed to You, Jesus.
Then we can trust You will reveal Your will to us. Broad vision for the nations. Set them as they keep going how to walk in your guidance.
Institutional church can be a roadblack, hardness, resistence, return of prodigals. Call for the return of the prodigals. Cry out for forgiveness—soften hearts, mothers and fathers hearts who rejected them. Wood them, bring them to their senses, humble themselves and go back, such a welcoming, go back, fresh anointing, fresh wave of the Spirit
Rejection broken! Elder brother syndrome broken Welcome them home to You Jesus!
Let them be all you have called them to be. Not bound by institutions. People who would try to cool them off—keep them away.
Radical following of Christ. Don’t allow that cooling off, keep fires burning in their hearts. Let them go hard after You! Not threatened but courageous protection. Not able to dim the flame of the Light of God.
Break off all labels & boxes—limiting You. Come up higher. Calling young people to come up higher. Expand our ability to know You to be transformed by renewing our minds.
Make them disciples to go and witness. Operate out of perfect love. Influence of SVM2, core of impartation to stir up people to go wholeheartedly after YOU! Touch their hearts to go fully after You! To give full-fledged surrender, release on campus groups Bible schools, revelation of use of 4 component tools
100 new students ministries to connect, commit to values and implementing. Set Ablaze whole-hearted devotion to You! Lay down prejudices, biases, oneness in You, not male or female, not Jew nor Greek, but ONE in You, in Jesus!
Vision of how You love, perfect love casts out fear. Speak the truth in love. Transformational encounters with You. Calling forth those You are calling to come. Diversity of the group. Opportunity to go deep with others very different. Spirit of servant heart, to desire the best for the other. Kingdom culture.
Pray against the enemy coming in – not to divide, strife, but clarity, meekness, not taking offense.
1 Corin. 13 love—agape love, poured through us. Experience greater release of Your love through us. Your ministry would reflect YOU exalted as head over all. Jesus raised up & exalted.
[Fasting Feb.  6-8, 2012 for greater power, release of God’s anointing.]

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